
Exotic Pets
Care and information on Arthropods.

Crayfish - Crayfish as a Pet star
Quite by accident, I ended up with a crawdad which joined our family as a pet. He learned or should I say he taught us to hand feed him worms. He was quite interactive and clearly showed signs of intelligence. I grew very attached to the little guy.

Exotic Pet Invertebrates, Amphibians, and Reptiles star
Sometimes you don’t see a lot of commonality in exotic pets, but in fact many species have a great deal in common. Ectotherms; invertebrates, amphibians, and reptiles, animals that can’t control body heat. Different animals over winter; mosquitos produce a natural antifreeze called glycerol.

Hermit Crab Facts star
Learn about hermit crab information, hermit crab facts, land hermit crabs, hermit crab molting, hermit crab food, the pet hermit crab, supplies, and hermit crab accessories. See hermit crab pictures. Land hermies can’t be bred please consider hermit crab adoption from a hermit crab rescue.

Hermit Crab Vendors star
Purchasing any pet, especially an exotic pet, takes a great deal of planning and forethought. What does the animal eat? How and where should it live? Should it live in a cage, extra bedroom, aquarium, or under a rock?

Hermit Crabs - Hermit Crabs as Pets star
How to care for the pet hermit crab. Herbit crab care and hermit crab information. Using some careful thought and creativity, you can turn their new home into a miniature replica of their natural habitat and create a great learning tool for children. Hermit crab pictures.

Hermit Crabs - How to Care for Hermit Crabs star
More information on hermit crabs. Bringing home the pet hermit crab, food, water, and bathing. Care sheet on how to care for the pet hermit crab. Do you realize few hermit crabs live longs as a pet. Learn how to care for the properly.

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